
How to Lead a Team More Effectively


For many small business owners and new entrepreneurs, being able to successfully guide a team through the ups and downs of getting a new company or start-up off the ground – and still being respected by the end of it all – can be one of the biggest challenges to face.

Many new business owners find themselves wrapped up in areas like developing their product or service, working out financial issues, promoting their brand, and selling their product – but not dedicating enough time and energy into becoming a better leader to their team and finding the best employees to propel their company to success.

The good news is that the skills and talents that you need to steer your team in the right direction can be quite simple, and it’s entirely possible for anybody with the right determination and drive to develop and achieve them. We’ve put together some of the best tips based on the habits of successful business leaders.


There are several things that you can do to improve your leadership skills and give yourself the opportunity to practice better leadership. As your leadership skills grow over time when you get an online MBA from Aston University, for example, your confidence will also grow, which in turn inspires teams to put their trust in you. Online learning can be an ideal way to improve various leadership skills, become a better mentor or coach and get qualifications to back up your abilities at the same time.

Put a Dedicated Team in Place

When you’re working to get a start-up off the ground, your team needs to be made up of individuals who are dedicated to both you and the business. Successful entrepreneurs aren’t just good at selling, product development or brand marketing – they are also skilful when it comes to the hiring process and know what kind of people they are looking for to propel their company to success.

Communicate Effectively

Even the best of business professionals will not be satisfied at work if there is a lack of communication in the office – and this can lead to disengagement and a drop in productivity. But even with a small team it can often be tricky to know where everyone’s up to and what’s going on with everybody. Overcommunication can be very useful when you are leading a team. For example, compile a weekly business news update to share with your staff or call a 5-10 minute get-together each morning before work to make sure that everybody’s up to date with the latest news and events.

Don’t Assume

When you’re running a small business, it can be easy to simply assume that your team fully understands your mission and goals – and many might. But, in every business, everybody, even those in charge might need a reminder from time to time of where the company is headed. It’s also important to put yourself in your employees’ shoes – as a business owner your vision for your company is always at the forefront of your mind, but they may be wondering what’s in it for them, especially if the daily grind is getting harder. It’s important that you are able to help your team visualise how they are also going to benefit from working towards hitting company goals. To do this effectively, it’s important to spend time getting to know your team and figuring out what is most important to them.

Be Authentic and Honest

One major mistake that many entrepreneurs will make is believing that there’s a set image of what a business owner should appear like or act like. In reality, however, business owners are individuals like everybody else and the best leaders tend to be true to themselves. By simply being yourself and weaving your unique personality and passions into your company, you can get better results. While not everybody is going to agree with you or even like you, being authentic and honest about who you are certainly makes it easier to find people who share your values.

Believe in Your Team

Good leaders don’t micromanage their team; they trust them. They understand just how important it is for their team to know that they are being relied on and trusted to do the job. Teams that are confident in themselves and their abilities are seldom micromanaged. In fact, micromanagement can have a devastating effect as the more you hover, control and manage everything an employee does, the more they might begin to doubt themselves. A strong belief in the talent and abilities of their team is something that any good leader demonstrates often.

Recognise Achievements

Many people would say that one of the biggest differences between a boss and a leader is that a boss likes to take a lot of credit for the work of other people, while a leader is the first to praise the team for their part. If you want to lead your team more effectively, it’s time to start recognising achievements and avoiding criticism. Even if you have some criticism that you need to give, leading with praise for things done well can make a huge impact. When your team achieves something, recognise and reward them for their contribution.

Self-Care and Stress Management

Good leaders know that they’re not only responsible for looking after their team, but they should also know how to look after themselves. Self-care is hugely important for those who are in leadership positions, particularly as business ownership and management can get very stressful at times. However, an effective leader knows that their stress levels can’t be allowed to impact the team at work. Taking your stress out on your team is a huge no-go, so it’s important to be self-aware and have strategies in place to manage your stress and get to a better place, whether you do this through taking some personal time, getting professional counselling, exercising, spending time with your family and friends, using meditation apps, journaling, or working with a leadership mentor.

Whether you’ve just landed a management role or are starting your own business, working on these qualities and skills will help you lead any team more effectively.

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