
How to organize B2B data flow in your organization?


Your firm might be sitting on a goldmine of a gigantic database but you should know that just having a large database is never enough, especially if you are planning to make the most of the data that your company owns. It doesn’t matter how good your data sourcing strategy is or how much data you collect or buy on a daily basis, if data hygiene and data flow will not be maintained then soon, your gigantic database will become completely useless and this is what most of the firms out there suffer with while using data.

There are many pitfalls of proper database management and analysis and you will have to deal with these pitfalls as most of them are completely unavoidable even while working with B2B database providers. These pitfalls become much more important when you are running a B2B firm since the data that you will be working on will contain professional information and being precise about the data flow is the only way to maintain the data quality and stay away from data decay.

Thankfully, organizing B2B data flow in your firm is not that tough and we are going to discuss some of the easiest ways to do it through this blog post.

Define a database structure

There are some particular principles that will guide this process. The first principle that you have to follow is that a duplicate database is always bad for the health of your firm. It is necessary to get rid of duplicate databases since it consumes space and maximizes the chances of errors as well. The second principle states that completeness of the database along with correctness is very crucial for defining a database structure properly. If your database is complete then all the reports that you will pull out from the database will also be wrong.

So, a good database structure will not only be correct and free of duplicity but it will always be complete as well. 

Write queries

In order to test that database that you have bought from a B2B database provider with 100% accuracy, the person who is going to conduct the test should have proper knowledge of both SQL and DML statements. In addition to this, the person assigned with the job of testing should have a good hold on the internal DB structure of AUT as well.

You can also use the approach of mixing both data verification and GUI in their respective tables for a better approach. You can also start using the SQL query analyzer if you are using the SQL server for data testing. The analyzer will help you with writing and executing queries in the most seamless way possible.

Show result data along as you write queries

One of the best approaches to data verification is taking advantage of the result of CRUD operations. There is nothing complicated in as it can be easily done manually as well. In order to do so, you will have to use application UI and you must be aware of the database integration. But be sure this might even become a tedious and complex process when you have a huge database bought from B2B intent data providers.

If you work with a third-party expert during this process, it will be a much better approach since you will not have to deal with the complexity of data verification using CRUD operations.

The database tester working on this part should have proper knowledge of database structure otherwise even he will find it difficult to verify the data bought from B2B intent data providers.

Map the data

If you are using a software system then you should know that your data can travel back and forth from the UI to the DB and this is why there are certain aspects of data mapping that you should watch for.

You can check whether the fields in the UI are mapped with proper consistency with their respective fields in the DB table. The required document will define this type of mapping information. In addition to this, you will have to know a CRUD action will automatically get invoked at the back end whenever a particular type of action will be taken at the back end.

Convert data to convenient files

If you are really serious about organizing the data flow of your database obtained from the B2B lead gen process then you will need to convert the data into convenient files as this will help you to use the database obtained from B2B lead gen without editing the data.

This will also make sure that the data is ready to use whenever you need it and will also simplify the process for your sales and marketing team.

Maintaining and organizing the data flow is one of the easiest ways of making the most of the database you are having, In addition to buying a database from a reputed provider, organizing the data flow is what you will need to streamline your operations and improve your product or services.



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