
E-talian: innovative e-commerce for traditional accessories


How can, at the end of 2019, the craft continue to exert a timeless appeal, despite the advent of 3D robots and printers?

The answer can be perfectly summed up in Andrea Granelli’s phrase “Being a craftsman is a way of interpreting life, craftsmanship is the pleasure of doing something unique and that pleases its customers, which in the end looks in the face. A completely human pleasure “. These are precisely the keys: humanity and passion. In a world where everything is now automated, the search for something original, built with effort and dedication, is increasingly perceived as an added value, as an element of differentiation, especially in a country like ours, cradle of art and beauty.

However, it is necessary to guarantee these small companies to keep up with the times, to have a wide and international showcase in which to exhibit their creations: therefore E-talian, an e-commerce of made in Italy accessories, is born. Bow ties, bracelets, hats, bags … the product range is constantly expanding and the goal is to give voice to all our artisans, digitizing our shops, bringing innovation to the places cradle of tradition.

Combining the tools and technological knowledge with the manual skills and artistic nature of our artisans is E-talian’s vision.

Our suppliers are artists who create unique products that are difficult to find on the market, while our customers love special and refined accessories, very sensitive to details and to the history of the product. It is certainly an ambitious challenge, but if this fusion between craftsmanship and technology were successful, between tradition and innovation we could write another page of the Bel Paese craftsmanship, giving our small contribution to maintaining this immortality.

We have different accessories, but our best article is by far the bow tie: we have different types of bow ties, they differ by color, by size, by shape, by material…
Here you find our black bow ties and you can see different materials, different sizes, different shapes…

But how are this bow tie made? Here ypu have a sample of the work of one of our artisan.

The process of creating and producing a manbow tie is complex and fascinating: our artisans personally follow all the steps, from creation to process: real couturiers. They initially develop a “concept” inspired on one side by their own experience and on the other by colors, shapes and materials related to places, cultures or artistic expressions.

The product then begins to come to life on paper, the first lines, the first figures are born. Then we move on to the first phase of production, where exclusive materials are selected, which must guarantee a splendid aesthetic but also comfort, resistance and a timeless shine, aspects that are usually neglected but in reality they are decisive.

Once the materials have been chosen, at this point the papillon processing processes differ from craftsman to craftsman: we have chosen to present you, as an example, the manufacturing process of one of our suppliers, Lorenzo Flori of Resinart,expert, as suggested by the brand name, in resin manufacturing. His workmanship differs according to the collection he wants to create: with regard to Luxury bow ties, made entirely of resin, the best epoxy available on the market is selected, evaluating, as previously written, not only the aesthetics and the brightness, but also the comfort, the strength and resistance.

The resin is then processed inserting it inside personalized colours and we placed inside precious pearls: gold, silver, copper, mother-of-pearl and other precious stones, that creates a play of depth, unique transparencies. These elaborated resins are then cast on prints made following the project specifications: the final effect is the creation not only of bow ties, but of real paintings to wear.

As for Special bow ties, the best fabrics and the best resins are selected for this type of processing and they are used to wet the materials with resin, going to shape them as if it were a sculpture. Once the material enters the catalysis you can work on the aesthetic part with various decoration techniques depending on the chosen fabric, from the brush to the wax. Once the catalysis has been completed, we move on to the discarding phase, obviously also, like all the others, made by hand: in this phase the objective is obviously to make it more aesthetically beautiful but also extremely pleasant to the touch: to do this, they use abrasive papers, from the thickest to the finest, and water.

Afterwards, a final coat of resin is given to the bow tie to give it greater strength and above all shine. Then comes the last phase of the trimmings, where the central fabric of the bow tie and the elastic chosen to ensure greater wearability and versatility are applied. All the products are then placed in a neat, resistant and extremely elegant packaging to make it a perfect gift: the packaging, besides being beautiful, is extremely resistant and takes care of the product.

Read more : Halloween Store

As you can see, the work is very particular and all the phases are unique, in order to keep the quality high and the product outstanding. Have a look at our website E-talian to know more!

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